University of California Natural Reserve System

history & archive project

Hastings Specimen and Slide Collection


This collection consists of biological specimens and research records mostly from Frances Simes Hastings Natural History Reservation, in three series.

The Microscope Slides series includes 12 slide cases of pollen samples collected from 2009-13, 31 cases of tissue samples collected circa 1934-52, and about 70 cases of blood-smear and other cell sample slides collected circa the 1930s-60s. These samples are from birds, lynx, candids, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, rats, voles, gecko eggs, and the deer mice. Samples come not only from Hastings, but also Mexico, South America, and Arizona. Some of these slides were created by Joseph Grinnell (initialed J.G.) from 1933-39, and others by Jean Linsdale (initialed JML) from 1934-52.

The Other Assorted Specimens series includes fungi and seeds from various locations. Some may originally have come from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Fungi specimens date from 1940-45.

The Data and Records of Research Projects series includes bird banding records from 1937-65) and mammal monitoring records from 1938-88.

The library-style card catalog describes these the fungi, mammals, herbarium, and amphibian/reptile collections.

Location: Where to Find It

Hastings Museum


1933 to 1988
2009 to 2013


Physical Description

11 feet or 113 cases