McLaughlin Natural Reserve Photograph, Maps, and Historical Materials Collection
This collection contains assorted documents, images, and other unique materials pertaining to the Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Natural Reserve, the Homestake Mining Company's McLaughlin Gold Mine, and the long-term history of this site. The collection includes four series.
The Slide Photographs series consists of images taken on or pertaining to Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Natural Reserve, including a photo monitoring series created by Shane Waddell covering 515 sites on the reserve, from 2003-05, photos of researchers, experiments, and observation plots, classes on the reserve, and photos of Homestake Mining Company’s activities and equipment, dating from 1982-2008.
The Aerial Photographs series includes images taken or collected by Homestake from 1957-96. The images in this series are not available elsewhere
The Historical Ephemera series includes documents, clippings, and videos produced or collected by Homestake. Of particular note are an unpublished memoir of local resident Ida Owen Swift from 1935, copies of the Pomo Bulletin, a publication of the Lake County Historical Society, from 1985 and 2006, and a souvenir gold sample from the McLaughlin Gold Mine.
The Maps and Large Format Prints and Documents series includes aerial photographs, images of mining operations, building plans, property ownership records for Homestake and the surrounding area, geological surveys, cultural resource surveys, blueprints of mining operations, and general reference materials such as US Geological Survey (USGS) maps. This series includes a handwritten index.