University of California Natural Reserve System

history & archive project

UC Irvine NRS Historical Materials Collection


This collection consists of assorted historical materials from UCI NRS activities. It is broken down into four series based on location.

The first series consists of materials in Storage Room 030. Contents include: (1) records and data from a San Joaquin Marsh Reserve (SJM) carnivore study, (2) clipping files and ephemera about SJM from 1989-1991, including information on the California Coastal Commission, Orange County, brochures and newsletters, correspondence, copies of publications, and binders of Audubon Society information, (3) photographs (prints, slides, negatives, and digital copies on CDs) of classes and tours, artistic photos of plants and scenery, and research, including information from a SJM photo monitoring project, (4) files from the UCI Cooperative Outdoor Program, which was rub by Peter Bowler and provided outdoor educational and recreational opportunities for UCI students, including some at SJM and Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve (BPR). Series dates are from 1978 to 2009.

The second series consists of materials in Storage Room 032. Contents include: (1) material pertaining to management issues at SJM including miscellaneous correspondence with William Bretz and Peter Bowler (reserve staff) on cattails, environmental cleaning, marsh buffer zones, management plans, Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), and legal documents, (2) material pertaining to education programs at SJM including documents from classes taught by Peter Bowler, (3) Bretz's phone logs and administrative documents and for SJM, including annual reports, publicity, and budget requests, (4) proofs and prints from BPR donor Bruce Burns of his aviation work (Burns was a multiple patent holder who worked in the early years of California aviation), and (5) several hundred topographical, geological, and vegetation maps of UCI reserves, adjacent and surrounding areas, as well as some California maps, mostly published between 1954 and 2000. Materials in the series date from 1980 to 1995.

The third series consists of materials in Herbarium Room. Contents include: (1) Bruce Burns's materials including hand-drawn images and plans for the Burns house, plans for items patented by Burns, and other images, (2) files related to the Irvine Company and marsh mitigation at SJM, including correspondence with William Bretz about marsh enhancement projects, (3) data from a heavy metals study done by Elizabeth Ann O'Brien at SJM from 1982-1984, (4) Bretz's final report materials for SJM and BPR, (5) miscellaneous files related to Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, including raw bird data collected in 1983 by Rick Hallowell, and (6) assorted campus- and system-wide NRS materialsm including meetings documents, correspondence, and policy statements. The series dates from 1981 to 1997.

The fourth series consists of maps stored in the NRS Workroom and Laboratory. Contents include: (1) Phase I San Joaquin Marsh restoration maps, (2) UCI archeological survey map, (3) assorted maps from developments surrounding SJM including The Irvine Company, the FDA Building, and UCI planning, (4) enlarged version of a 1977 aerial photo of SJM, (5) various aps and drawings of ecological study areas, (6) unique maps of SJM dating to ca. 1970. Series dates are from 1948 to 1990.

Location: Where to Find It

Storage Rooms 030 and 032, Herbarium Room, and Workroom


1948 to 2009

Bulk (Majority Date Range)

1978 to 2009


Physical Description

7 feet 8 inches of documents, 8 boxes, 1 bag of photographs, and 3 map cases


This collection is divided between four locations