University of California Natural Reserve System

history & archive project

UC Santa Barbara NRS Collection


This collection consists of historical documents for the UCSB NRS campus office and reserves, including Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, Coal Oil Point Reserve, Kenneth S. Norris Rancho Marino Reserve, Santa Cruz Island Reserve, Sedgwick Reserve, and Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve/Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory.

The collection includes two series:

The first series consists of General NRS Documents for UCSB and its reserves. Contents include: (1) papers collected by Scott Cooper, the UCSB NRS Director from 1994-2000, (2) administrative files including budget, financial, personnel, and advisory committee minutes, from 1977-99), (3) several posters, including a vegetation and hand drawn maps of the Channel Islands from the 1960s-90s, (4) publication invoices for Cattle Upon a Thousand Hills, (5) Monthly Air Quality Reports produced by Exxon (1988-90, 1994-95) and Arco (1985-87) for Coal Oil Point and West Campus/Las Flores Canyon, (6) waivers, weather data, reports, and other materials from Coal Oil Point, (7) a binder created by Carol Boyce, with materials pertaining to her 1970 MA thesis in botany on Coal Oil Point, including data on temperature, weather, terrain profiles, and plant transects, (8) an oral history of the Devereux School by Joseph Smith, clippings about Devereux Slough becoming a reserve, correspondence with Emmett Martin, co-author with Frederic Clements on a 1939 paper about test plots at Coal Oil Point, trying to locate ridge and shelter gardens, (9) one envelope of black and white photos of dunes from 1970, and (10) UCSB Marine Science Institute publicity materials from 1969-2004, including some documents related to Santa Cruz Island. This series dates from 1970 to 2003.

The second series consists of Administrative Files held in the campus NRS Office. Contents include individual reserve files, Coal Oil Point air quality reports, various UCSB and system-wide NRS files, correspondence (names include Cooper, Offen, Murdoch), general administration files, annual reports from 1972-2010), slides and print photographs of UCSB reserves, reports pertaining to UCSB reserves, clippings, and Sedgwick architectural plans from 2009-10). This series dates from 1970 to 2010.

Location: Where to Find It

Storage Room and Sue Swarbrick's Office


1970 to 2010
