Davis NRS Administration Collection
This collection contains the administrative and operational records of the UC Davis (UCD) NRS Campus Office pertaining to the reserves under its purview—Quail Ridge Reserve (QRR), Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve (SCC), Jepson Prairie Reserve (JPR), Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Natural Reserve (MNR), and Bodega Marine Reserve (BMR)—as well as the UCD campus office's role within UCD and the NRS.
This collection brakes down into five series:
The Administrative Files series pertains to the UCD campus office and UCD’s natural reserves. Compiled by Susan Harrison and organized by Kate Mosley, this series includes plans, annual reports, correspondence, meeting materials, management plans, agreements, budgets, and other administrative documents. More specifically, it consists of: (1) correspondence among faculty, staff, and the UC Office of the President, (2) materials related to the 1991 NRS long range planning final report, (3) health and safety information, (4) files on class use, (5) correspondence from 1996 about the Yolo County Habitat Conservation Plan, (6) copies of the NRS Transect newsletter, (7) notes, agendas, minutes, and other documents from the UC Davis and the system-wide NRS advisory committees, (8) five year management plans for JPR from 1983, 1985, and 1992, (9) management permits for JPR with the CA Department of Fish and Game (now Fish and Wildlife) and The Nature Conservancy, (10) files on land use at JPR, including prescribed burns and grazing, (11) annual report files, (12) UC Davis Campus NRS budgeting materials, (13) documents related to an UC reserves academic plan from the 1990s, (14) reserve administration documents such as species lists, sign-in lists, budgets, and physical plant information, (15) a materials related to the Homestake Mining Company and MNR (16) files documenting the acquisition of QRR, as well as a subsequent 1995 management plan, (17) SCC files including sign-in sheets, physical plant documents, and publications, and (18) SCC and QRR files containing correspondence with the Bureau of Land Management. This series covers the period from 1976 to 2002, and accounts for roughly half of the total collection.
The Assorted Materials series includes: (1) a binder from 2002-03 entitled “Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee,” containing meeting documents and information on the creek, part of a campus reserve not affiliated with the NRS, (2) documentation of student funding programs including the Mildred Mathias Grant, Robert M. Morris research grants, and UC Davis Campus grants from 1992-97, (3) files on JPR the Jepson Prairie Reserve, from 1978-85, collected by Barbara Malloch Leitner, which contain information on land use, grazing, fires, grasslands, local history, ecology, and legal issues, including a 1979 testimony by F. Thomas Griggs concerning Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and a report on the Jepson Prairie Project that includes a historical survey of the reserve, and (4) videotapes of QRR and other media.
The Annual Reports series includes supporting documentation for creating annual reports, sign-in sheets recording use of the reserves, and drafts of the reports. Final versions of the reports are not always included. The series covers 1994 to 2006.
The Miscellaneous Photographs and Documents series was compiled by reserve manager Kevin C. Williams and steward Dan Tolson. It consists of: (1) miscellaneous photos, including undated photographs of UC Davis reserves, (2) aerial photographs, that have also been digitized, dating from 1991, (3) files on facilities, equipment, purchase orders, and administrative forms, (4) a notebook containing records of participants in tours, (5) informational files on non-UCD NRS reserves, (6) newspaper clippings related to the UCD reserves, and (7) informational files on reserve management related to bees, poison oak, and fire. The series covers from 1991 to 2001.
The office also holds sign-in sheets for reserve use at JPR, QRR, SCC, and MNR from 1990 to 2010.
Physical Description
The UCD Library's Department of Special Collections holds a variety of related materials in its "Office of the Chancellor" records. To learn more, click on the "UC Davis NRS Campus Office" link under the "Location" heading above.