University of California Natural Reserve System

history & archive project

Hastings Map Collection


Collection of maps and other large format documents. Notable items iclude: Architectural drawings (1968-2003); Assorted publically available (published) maps; Aerial Photos (1949-1995); Hastings vegetation (1941) and topographic maps (1969), consisting of hand drawn additions to maps; A set of original wood rat data (1940-1942) with maps; monitoring charts; hand-drawn statistical graphs, etc.; Art, including posters, drawings, photographs; Original data on fires on Hastings and nearby, including 3 drawn maps created to depict fires for periods: 1941-1960, 1931-1940, and for 1911-1977 (created by James Griffin); Property maps for Hastings and copies of notes about the sections of the property (undated); Photographs taken by the Hastings family (including a few of Frances and Russell Hastings), as well as landscape photos, presumably of Hastings (1933-1945); Pictures of Hastings from 1952-1974; and assorted other undated printed photographs.

Location: Where to Find It

Reserve Manager's Office


1938 to 2008


Physical Description

15 map drawers of large format documents